At Fjellstua, where there is a cafe and lots of lookout points, we were entranced by the gathering of wedding guests who were congratulating the couple dressed in traditional costume for the nuptials. Once around the building, taking pictures from several vantage points and we were ready for the 418 steps--down. There is a handrail all the way but some of the steps are a bit uneven and some were being repaired. The steps ended in the town park, a nice quiet area prettily landscaped and inviting one to sit and relax a bit.

We wandered around the streets of Alesund the rest of the afternoon enjoying the sun, the cool breeze and the beauty of the architecture. In 1904, a fire destroyed many of the buildings in the city. The German Emperor Wilhelm II sent immediate help to the city and in a short time the city rose from the ashes again. There are lots of tributes to Kaiser Wilhelm all over the town center. The architecture is called Jugend style which, if I understand correctly, is a German name for Art Nouveau and obviously a result of the rebuilding assistance given by Germany.
Sunset was very late because we were so far north and after dinner, while Bob went off to find free WiFi at McDonald's, I wandered the Promenade Deck and watched it begin to turn the sky into lovely evening colors over the city. On the other side of the ship, in the distance were the Norwegian alps. The sun's rays played across the snow capped mountains. Once again Norway was proving to be a favorite destination--rain or sun.

There is much more to Alesund and the surrounding area and just a few hours stop does not do it justice--even when you've stopped there twice. Ah, another place to add to the return list.
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