A trip to the zoo inspired this video. Hope it brings you a smile. Enjoy!
Friday, June 28, 2019
Friday Funny--Morning Routine
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Turtle Kisses

You see, the turtle spotted us as well and was attracted to Bob or perhaps it just wanted to come in for a close up. Whatever the case, its curiosity brought it right up to the camera Bob was using and for a moment we all thought Bob was going to get a turtle kiss. The video is so much fun to watch and I'm thankful that our grandson Tyler allowed me to use it.

Grand Cayman,
Ocean Frontiers,
scuba diving,
sea turtles
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
A Look Back At Some Cayman Diving

If you watch it and feel sleepy, you'll know why we like diving so much. It is very relaxing. We don't fall asleep during the dive though, just in case you were wondering.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Playful Sea Lions

Friday, June 21, 2019
Friday Funny--Baseball Quips

Our Florida grandson has had his phone for about a year and has joined the family text circle during the Ohio State football games. That usually involves Grandpa more than me. With me, he's into the Indians baseball season. Why he is a fan of teams not remotely close to Florida is beyond us but he is wholeheartedly involved.
My phone buzzed. The text read, "We're back in the game!" I responded with "you bet!"
Then came the following text: This is the third time I have seen this movie (smiley face).
I responded with laughing emojis.
Buzzing phone: "I like how in this third movie makes you think New York actuly has a chance."
You can see my response in the picture. Well, the game progressed and went into extra innings. The phone buzzed: "This is like when the dark side rebuilt the death star. "
We lost. The phone buzzed: "Let's hope next time we play them it will be the Empire strikes out."
I'm still laughing.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Horses On The Beach
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Maria's Field of Sunflowers and Hope
This year's field has just been planted. The sunflowers will be blooming again in September. If you are not familiar with Prayers From Maria, check out their website. There is also a second field being planted along the way to Cedar Point.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Comparing Old-New, Big-Small Cruise Ships

Basically, newer ships are bigger than older ships. I think part of that trend is because the ships are becoming the destination more than the ports of call. The large new ships are fun if you are not particularly interested in exploring some of the smaller ports where a large ship cannot go. We took a cruise on Oasis of the Seas not long after it came out and thoroughly enjoyed the week. I'm not sure we even explored all there was to offer on the ship and we plan to go again on the Oasis or one of the other mega ships.
There are also more balconies on the newer ships. We used to go for a less expensive inside room but once we stepped up to a window and then to a veranda, it was hard to go back. As the article points out however the verandas tend to be smaller than on the older ships.
Of course there's all the new stuff, electronics, entertainment specialties, even a bumper car ride on the Quantum of the Seas! Wave riders and zip lines make the slides at the pools look tame now.
Older ships are not just old buckets chugging across the waters. Cruise lines do upgrades and makeovers on their ships that help to keep the older ships looking newer and in good condition on a regular basis. The best time to sail on an older ship is soon after it's been reconditioned. New carpet, new beds, new TVs, etc. can be expected and hopefully all the charm of an older ship.
There are some things to watch out for though when choosing one over the other. We made the mistake of sailing on one of the very first voyages of a new ship a several years ago and found that most of the new electronics that were supposed to be available for cruisers enrichment didn't have all the bugs worked out. We don't book now until the new ship has been sailing a few months. And then there was the old ship we sailed that was not in the greatest of shape since it hadn't been reconditioned in a while and we were still too inexperienced to have checked it out--something our travel agent should have done. And then there was another ship that we recognized as coming from one cruise line that had gone out of business and sold its ships. It was old but had been refurbished so nicely it was a joy to spend a week cruising in it.
Small ship? Big ship? Old ship? New ship? You decide. Do the research. Get the feedback from Cruise Critic or other cruise forums. Decide if you are cruising to see the ports or enjoy the ship more. Your cruise will be more enjoyable if you know what you want and find the best fit for you.
Ah, so many ships. So little time.

Cruise ship comparisons,
Cruise Tips,
Friday, June 14, 2019
Friday Funny- Flowers?
When I was growing up we lived across the street from a nice older German couple who kept their home in tip-top shape and even more so, their flower beds. I doubt there was ever a weed allowed to get a foot hold in the perfect soil that was tilled and fertilized and kept in optimum condition for the best growing conditions.
Now our yard was nothing much to look at. A bed of petunias, some evergreens gracing the front of the house and a lawn that was usually looking pretty good and full of clover--which the bees loved. More than once in a summer I would end up with a bee sting from running barefoot through the yard.
Mom had a great sense of humor and one year decided to have some fun with our German neighbors. Way before it should have been time for full blooming flowers to be in the yard--especially our yard, my mom went out and bought a bunch of plastic flowers. In those days we didn't have the cloth-like flowers or "silk" flowers we do today. They were fairly realistic though, certainly from a distance.
I don't know how she managed to get them in the ground without our neighbors noticing but Mom would chuckle every time she saw our neighbor standing in his yard, hands on hips, staring across at our "blooming flowers."
He must have thought that eventually they would die from neglect or a good frost since they had been planted so early. A few weeks later, he could no longer stand it. He came across the street and up to the house to ask my mother what kind of flowers she had planted. She took him around to the front flowerbed, pulled one out and said, "Plastic!"
Now our German neighbors were a bit stoic but I remember my mom saying she saw a bit of a smile appear on his face and he went home shaking his head all the way. Once Mom was in the house, she burst into peals of laughter and we heard about the one she'd pulled over on our neighbors for years after.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Unique Sleeping Accommodations In a 727

In Costa Rica at the Hotel Costa Verde you can get some unusual accommodations in a refitted Boeing 727. It was a plane that was salvaged when taken out of service and secured in a hillside with a view. The inside was totally renovated to include two bedrooms, each with its own bath, a kitchenette and microwave and of course a flat screen TV.
An ocean view terrace is attached and there is a private entrance up a river rock, spiral staircase. Lots of surrounding garden--it's Costa Rica, a rain forest.
The inside is an all wood interior and furnishings are hand carved teak. It looks a bit like a rustic lodge room. Pictures are at the hotel's website.
This accommodation, unlike the previous two, is actually somewhat affordable. Prices range from just under $300 to around $800 depending upon the season.

Boeing 727 room,
Costa Rica,
Hotel Costa Verde,
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Wednesday--but not Wordless
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Another Way To See The Northern Lights
In Levi, Finland is the Golden Crown Levin Hotel. And yes, they have glass igloos. Now before you shiver hear the description. You can fall asleep in a luxurious warm bed on a fell slope (that means a summit) admiring the Arctic sky--wait! I want to stay awake and see the Northern Lights. Guess that just means I can stay warm while I do. Continuing. . .A breakfast buffet is included and there's some mention of not having to leave the igloo but I guess I'm confused about that unless it's connected somehow to the main restaurant area.
A suite igloo has a private terrace with a hot tub. Yup. Just see if you can race from the tub to the room without your feet sticking to the ice.
The pictures look beautiful as do most travel pictures advertising hotels and resorts. I'm sure if the actual experience is even half as good as the pictures, it would be amazing.
Again though, it would keep Bob up all night wondering how to pay for it. The igloos/suites run over $1,000/night. I didn't convert the numbers exactly. The price in Euros was shocking enough.

glass igloos,
Golden Crown Levin,
Northern Lights
Monday, June 10, 2019
Sleeping Underwater

But would you ever in you wildest imagination consider sleeping in a room underwater? I came across an unusual resort that has an underwater bedroom. It's called the Manta Resort and is in Zanzibar. Out in the middle of a bay, a fancy houseboat of sorts is anchored. The roof is a sundeck and the living area is at sea level but the bedroom is straight down a built in ladder to an underwater room.
The sides of the room of course are all acrylic so you can observe the sea life around you. You can turn on small lights at night to attract and see some of the night critters like octopus. Turning the lights off though apparently gives you a view of the bio-luminescent creatures, which if you watch the video, might just keep you up all night with flashes of light.
Me, I'd be up all night worried that a good wind and a rough sea would break the anchor lines and we'd float off to the middle of the ocean. Bob--he'd be up all night wondering how we were going to pay for a room that costs $1500 USD/night. Guess we'll pass on this one.

Manta Resort,
Underwater rooms,
Friday, June 07, 2019
Time For Some Velvet Ice Cream?

On our way to Columbus that next week, we decided to stop off and check out the grist mill and factory. We'd been to the Mount Vernon area often but never traveled Route 13 further south than that. It was beautiful countryside on a clear and sunny day. The grist mill turnoff was well marked near Utica just past the Route 62 junction. We pulled in and found we had arrived just in time for a factory tour.
Our energetic guide took us out of the shelter where a video of the history of Velvet Ice Cream usually plays and suggested that she give us the information herself since we seemed to be invaded by some pesky wasps. She did a great job of filling us in as we sat on a stone wall and enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine.

In 1914, Joseph Dager began Velvet Ice Cream in the basement of a confectionery shop in Utica, Ohio, using a hand cranked ice cream maker. He would make just enough to quickly run out and sell it before it melted. Finding a supply of ice eventually led to a wider distribution and the business began to grow. In the 1930s a small factory was built behind the confectionery and Dager expanded even further reaching groceries and restaurants as far away as Columbus.
When they needed to expand, the next generation of Dagers found an old 1817 grist mill near Utica that fit their company's reputation of old fashioned goodness and moved their factory next to it. It became their trademark.

We stopped in the restaurant and enjoyed terrific trail bologna sandwiches being careful to save room for ice cream. I tried the sweet and salty caramel flavor that was heavenly. As we enjoyed our cones, we wandered through the small display of old ice cream makers.
All in all a perfect oasis for a summertime outing.

Old Grist Mill,
USA - Ohio,
Velvet Ice Cream
Thursday, June 06, 2019
Remembering the Island Airline's Tri Motor

[There is a restoration project going on at the Liberty Aviation Museum in Port Clinton. Great museum if you visit the area!]
A deep rumble permeates the plane and its passengers as they taxi to the end of the airstrip. A pause. A turn. The pilot, Harold Hauck, looks back at his passengers, grins, and then turns to the controls as the Ford Tri-motor he pilots gallops down the runway and finally lifts into the air. It is a thrill I fondly remember from my youth in the late 50s and 60s as my family made our weekly visit to their vacation home on South Bass Island in Lake Erie.
The Ford Tri-motor, or the Tin Goose as it was nicknamed, was a major mode of transportation for the Island Airlines of Port Clinton, Ohio, for over 50 years. At one time I believe they owned three. It carried passengers and cargo to the Lake Erie Islands of South Bass, Middle Bass, North Bass, and Rattlesnake. In the winter, it was the only means of public transportation to the islands and was used as a “school bus” for the children on the outer islands who attended school at Put-In-Bay or Port Clinton on the mainland.
My very first plane ride was in the Tin Goose whose corrugated metal sides shone brightly in the sun. The Goose had room for two pilots and seventeen passengers who sat on small metal seats padded lightly with vinyl cushions. The back of the metal seat barely made it to the small of an adult’s back (the restored version appears to have much more comfortable seats) and most hunched forward to look out the windows as the plane flew its scenic route. Often cargo was stacked on one side of the plane, passengers sat on the other and when the plane banked, hands would go up to be sure the cargo stayed in place.
The most exciting trip for me came later when my husband and I hitched a ride on the mail route on the Tri-motor. We lifted off and touched down at each of the islands where mail pouches were exchanged. Landing and take-off at Rattlesnake Island was as exciting as any amusement park ride could be. The airstrip was cut across the little island and the pilot had to judge his landing quickly at the start of the runway so that he had enough distance to brake and turn before falling off the cliff at the other end. Take off was equally exciting as the plane gunned engines at one end of the runway and took off with a burst of “speed” while everyone held their breath to see if we could lift off before reaching the lake on the other side.
There were only two crashes that I know of in the islands. One took place on Kellys Island in 1954 and the other at Port Clinton in 1972. The pieces-parts of the Island Airlines Tri-motors are shown here in a series of photographs taken in Vicksburg, Michigan, where the plane was being restored.
There is a restored Tri-motor that tours in the summer and offers rides. What a privilege we had to ride at a $5-10 rate when we were kids. Fond memories.

Ford Tri Motor,
Island Airlines,
Put In Bay,
TIn goose,
USA - Ohio
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 04, 2019
Mediterranean Cruising? Don't Miss Village of Eze
One of the places we were most eager to see on our trip to southe
rn France was the old medieval village of Eze which sits high on a rocky peak looking out at the Mediterranean Sea. It is situated between Nice and Monaco. We took a bus from the Nice bus station that dropped us off in Eze but the old village of Eze is actual
The 12th century village is built right into the cliff area and seems to be one with the mountaintop it sits on. Tiny streets barely wide enough to get a horse and cart through
There are two hotels in the center of it all and I’m sure it costs a pretty penny, make that Euro, for a night’s stay. One was featured in one of Travel Channel’s Samantha Brown segments.
At the

The whole old village is stone and has been restored to, yes, attract tourists which I’m sure abound in the high season. We arrived early in the day and of course off-season so we were able to leisurely wander the streets stopping to catch our breath when needed. Thankfully it was all down hill on the way back.
Our last stop on our travels through France was to Monte Carlo which is actually in Monaco. We had stopped here once on a cruise and wanted to actually get to s

Cruising Mediterranean,
Village of Eze
Monday, June 03, 2019
B&B or Hotel? Where Would You Stay?
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View of Bay of Islands from Allegra House |
There are times when I'd rather stay in a hotel than a B&B but so often we've had a much better stay in the latter. Why? Because the hosts are usually eager to make your stay the very best it can be. They are a valuable source of local information. Often there are things to see and do that they can suggest that are not found in your travel guide. They also know the best times to go, the great foods to order and try, the easiest ways to get somewhere.
A hotel will usually have a concierge who can do a lot to book places for you and suggest restaurants and get you transportation if you need it but somehow it just isn't quite the same as the friendly B&B hosts we've had. It is so much more businesslike rather than homey.
The B&B will also create a more intimate atmosphere for all of those staying with them and you will undoubtedly have breakfast with other travelers who seem to be a lot more friendly in that type of atmosphere. Shared adventures and information are all a part of a great travel experience.
Often the B&B will be a less expensive way to travel but if you are looking for luxury, a hotel is not necessarily the way to go. There are some truly luxurious B&Bs. Yes, you will pay more but the experience just might be worth the price.
On the other hand, we have stayed in a couple "bare bones" B&Bs where we got the minimum and were glad to have only spent a night or two. Of course that can be said about a few hotels as well. Bottom line: DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Find the reviews and make your decision. If you are the friendly-want-to-meet-people person try the B&B.
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