A while ago there was a hair product commercial that aired showing the picture of a woman with beautiful hair (obviously from using the product) and then the TV screen split and showed two other women and said, ". . .and she told two friends. . ." Then it continued splitting and saying, ". . .and they told two friends. . ."
It was a classic example of what happens with word of mouth advertising.
The publishing world thrives on word of mouth advertising and book reviews. Because of that we look to people who might be helpful in spreading the word about a new book release. Those people are called influencers.
In September, my newest novel,
In A Pickle, will be available at major points of sale--especially those online bookstores that so many find convenient. When a reader shops for a book online, there are helpful reviews from those who have already read the book that influence a reader's choice. I am looking for some readers who would be willing to write a review and post it on those online sites. If the reader should also happen to have a blog, I would love to visit as a guest blogger or would appreciate a mention there as well.
I have a limited number of free books I can send out so should you be interested, please contact me (karen robbins 47 at yahoo dot com) as quickly as possible. I will send you a book and ask only that you post a review at two or three (or all if you like) of the following places: Amazon.com (paperback/kindle), Barnes & Noble.com, the Sony Reader Store, the Apple Reader store, Books A Million.com, Powells.com, or KOBO. Any other word you can spread on FB, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. would be greatly appreciated as well.
Here's the teaser for the book:
Annie Pickels, a 65 year old
widowed pickle entrepreneur is in real trouble. One of her city farmers is
growing marijuana on his rented plot of land. Annie, thinking it is marjoram,
uses it as a secret ingredient in her pickles.
Insisting Tommy is a nice young
man, Annie discovers his beloved Mary Jane is not the name of his girlfriend after
Annie is arrested for cultivation and sale of marijuana. But Annie knows God
always takes care of her. On a cruise aboard the Queen Mary 2, Annie meets the
man who might solve her impending legal dilemma, Arnie.
Elma, Annie’s best friend, knows
that Arnie is just what Annie needs in her life. But is he?
Annie’s niece thinks Arnie is out
to fleece her aunt. Is she right? Or is Arnie the one who can get Annie out of
the pickle she’s in?
And here's what two have already said about
In A Pickle:
"Tasty, tantalizing, a real treat!"
In a Pickle satisfies
on every level! I loved every character, every plot twist, every zany moment
and every tender one, too. For those who enjoy a light-hearted tale with a
great feel-good message, look no further than this brilliant story from author
Karen Robbins. Highly recommended! - Janice Hanna Thompson, author of
Rush In
Karen Robbins has penned an enjoyable tale told from
the point of view of a senior citizen with quirky characters that readers will
love. Cindy Thomson, author of Brigid of
Could you be an influencer?