It's been a while since I've read a Harlan Coben and so I downloaded The Stranger and dug in. It turned out to be a good choice. A unique story line and of course Coben's gift of keeping you on the edge of your seat clicking through page after page (hard to call it a page turner on an e-reader).
Adam Price is approached by a stranger and told something about his wife that turns his world upside down. With a little research on the internet, Adam discovers the stranger's information is accurate. When he confronts his wife she disappears. It turns out that this stranger has approached several others, not always with the same information but from the same source, the internet. Secrets thought to be hidden there are being revealed. Of course it leads to murder and lives destroyed.
If you are ready for a good book to lose yourself in, this would be a great choice.
In the acknowledgements, Coben cites a dozen or so names used in the novel that are actually names of real people. He has a program set up where a person can contribute to a charity of his choosing in exchange for having his/her name used in one of his upcoming books. So if you would like to see your name in print, albeit fictitious, you might want to contact him for the information:
Meanwhile, grab a Coben story for your next book for the road. I doubt you will be disappointed.
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