"" Writer's Wanderings: QE2 makes last sail from NYC

Monday, April 14, 2008

QE2 makes last sail from NYC

On Saturday, April 12, we boarded the Queen Elizabeth 2 for its last transatlantic New York to Southampton crossing. Our departure from Manhattan Dock 92 was delayed a bit since fog had kept the QE2 from meeting her early morning arrival time. In exchange, we received a spectacular view of NYC as the sun set and the lights came on. It was as magical as sailing out of Hong Kong last October. We were accompanied by a NYC fireboat most of the way in full watery regalia.

The QE2 will make a few more voyages including one back to NYC from Southampton but then will continue on to its final destination in Dubai where it will become a floating hotel like the original Queen Mary in Los Angeles.

Today, the fourteenth of April, we are due to pass over the spot where the Titanic sits miles under the ocean surface. Hopefully, I will be able to post pictures of the wreath laying tomorrow. Please be assured—we have seen no icebergs this trip.

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