It was only a few years ago that I met Judy. She was a spunky redhead at the time. When I commented that I liked the color of her hair, she offered to loan it to me. It was then I realized it was a wig hiding the effects of chemotherapy. Her eyes sparkled and danced with humor when I commented that it must match her natural color well since her eyebrows matched the wig. "And it takes me a while to draw them that way," she chuckled.
We were new to the church and were still learning about our new church family. Little by little, Judy's story unfolded. She had been battling cancer for a few years. The prognosis had not been good when it was diagnosed. But this lady met cancer and all its ugliness with the grace that God gave her.
Judy's spirit inspired us all. With her humor, her kindness, her grace, she touched many. With her beautiful handiwork, her crocheted gloves, socks, afghans, she warmed them as well. I only knew her a little while but I cherish the friendship.
Hearts will be very heavy this morning as my church family gathers for morning services. Her imprint on our hearts and lives will remain with us and the sadness of missing her will be difficult but we will try to exhibit that grace that Judy did--the grace that God gives us to meet life's challenges.
I wish we could be there this week to gather with her other friends and family to honor her life but since we can't, I thought I would honor her here. Enjoy heaven, Judy.
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