Maybe growing up near a body of water has made me fond of the sea--although the coast of Lake Erie in no way compares to the dramatic sea coast of western Ireland. I love the power and majesty presented in the meeting of land and water, the changing of colors as the sun rise

The Cliffs of Moher stand 200 meters (about 600 feet) high above the Atlantic Ocean. Almost 1900 miles to the west of them lies Newfoundland and North America. (I recall seeing a sign advertising a bar along the way that was "closest to New York City.")
The cliffs are said to be formed from

Wind whipped at us as we walked the trails to get a good view of the cliffs. It blows so strong at times that small streams flowing over the cliffs are actually blown back and up. Unfo

As we wandered the grassy knoll to O'Brien's Tower, a viewing point built for tourists in 1835, I couldn't help but think of Wuthering Heights and Heathcliff and Catherine. Are the Yorkshire moors like this? Some day I'll have to see.
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