Everyone has seen them. The National Geographic pictures of that huge humpback whale jumping out of the water. The behavior is called a breach. The pictures are golden. You see, it doesn't

Why do the whales breach? It's a question often asked on the whale watch

The humpback's tale is so strong that it only takes a couple of good swings to propel itself almost all the way out of the water. Midair, the whale turns and plunges back into the water creating quite a splash. (Imagine a large school bus belly sla

Breaching is the most sought after behavior of avid photographers and I was no exception. We managed to catch a little one one day who breached several times. And then on another day a couple of adult males who graced us with their acrobatics. It all happened so fast I only caught one or two good shots out of. . .well let's just say my camera takes multiple shots in sports mode and my finger seemed stuck to the shutter button. Thank goodness for digital!!
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