It was a chilly day but a beautifully sunny day and too tempting to pass up a chance to take a walk through the Cleveveland MetroParks Zoo. It's one of our favorite ways to get some exercise and fresh air and be entertained at the same time. What we didn't expect was how crowded the zoo would be. It dawned on us that it was spring break week for many but that just made it more entertaining. Nothing evokes smiles more than seeing parents with young children handling all the questions and energy. We can look back with fond memories since we are past all of that now.

As we neared the Fulton Parkway bridge over Big Creek, we noticed a fellow with a big lens on his camera pointed at the underside of the bridge. As we neared the area where he was, we saw a brand new sign and stopped in front of it. It was information about a pair of peregrine falcons that have nested under the bridge. Apparently they are the fastest animals on earth. They can fly between 40-60 MPH and when diving for their prey, can reach up to 220 MPH! I hope they have good brakes.
It was time to test out my new camera. When we spotted the bird I zoomed in and hoped for the best. The bird, which our camera friend said was the female, was a bit in the shadows but I did catch a fairly good shot of her. Our friend, who was obviously a bird enthusiast and somehow involved with the zoo or the birds or both, said that they had put up a nesting platform for the birds to build on. It will be exciting to watch a new bird family.
Another new to us animal in the zoo was the takin. I don't recall seeing them before. They look like real characters. I think they come from the Himalayas and are also known as gnu goats. Big goats!
Most of the furry large cats were just being lazy and enjoying the warm sunshine and no one woke up the bears. We spent about an hour and a half and then decided to head home.
Lots to look forward to as the weather warms. Have I told you before? I love the zoo.
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