"" Writer's Wanderings: Tyler's Commencement

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Tyler's Commencement


While commencement is mostly thought of as the ceremony of conferring degrees on those who have completed their studies, the number one definition for the word is:
1.       A beginning or start

We were out scuba diving at the commencement of your life, Tyler. We didn’t realize how significant that would be eleven years later when you would begin diving with us. Back in those days (does that make you feel old?) we relied on email and fax. Your dad emailed us that birth picture and we fell in love with our first grandson.

As you grew and matured, so many memories were made. We watched you stand and giggle while the golden you had then licked pizza off your face. The vocabulary and amazing way you used it in those preschool years gave us pause to wonder what was to come. Your Lego skills grew as much as your collection of pieces.

Most precious will always be those weeks we spent diving. It was a chance to grow with you, to see you challenge yourself and win over your fears. Not only that but it was an opportunity to explore a whole new beautiful world together with you.

Needless to say your academic achievements have been enormous but more than that they have come with a maturity that has made you a most remarkable young man. Your tender heart and soft uplifting humor are a gift to us all and will be to everyone you meet.

This end to your school career has not been the one we all looked forward to as the traditional celebration of academic achievement but it is unique, as unique as you are. And really, commencement is not all about the receiving of a diploma. It is a new beginning, a start to a new chapter in your life. There will be many commencements in the future, new starts, new beginnings. Life is full of them. Embrace each one with the same courage and hope that you have this one. We are excited for you!

With much love, Grandma and Grandpa

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