I always get a chuckle from the sign we pass that says, "Buy one jerk, get one free." Of course they are referring to the jerk seasoned chicken and pork the Caribbean is famous for. A bit closer to our destination, The Reef Resort, we pass my favorite sign--Elderly Crossing. It sits near the small old folks home but we've never seen anyone crossing the street there.

We did do some exploring on our end of the island. We stopped at the little park that has a path to a viewing spot where you can look out at the Wreck of the Ten Sails. It's a spot out on the reef where ten large ships went aground on the rocks and coral in the late 1700s. No lives were lost and legend says that one of the survivors was of royalty and therefore the Cayman people were granted freedom from taxation. There is nothing to support that but it makes a good story.

Restaurants of all sorts, a few small museums, some local shops, all add color and flavor to your stay on the east end of the island. But the best of the east end is the diving and the snorkeling and the time spent enjoying the seaside beaches and pools with a good book to read in the shade.
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