We booked ours ahead. We knew we wanted to see one of the water shows. There is O at the Bellagio, a Cirque du Soleil production, and Le Reve at the Wynn (check out the video at the link). We chose Le Reve for two reasons: we aren't terribly excited about Cirque du Soleil productions and Le Reve was less expensive. We weren't disappointed.

The Le Reve water show was absolutely amazing. One of the best shows I have seen anywhere--ever. I had to keep reminding myself to close my mouth as it tended to hang open in awe of the masterful choreography and scripting of the movements of the entertainers as well as the mechanics of the stage. People appeared in the water mysteriously. One act had about 20 women's legs above the water performing a synchronized routine for a good three or four minutes. How did they breathe?
The storyline was romantic, comedic, and dreamlike and moved along with the fantastic graceful athletics of the performers. I would see it again in a heartbeat.
Our second choice for shows was one I stumbled upon while researching. And I was so

Where does Hoffman stop and Red begin? He is almost one and the same. As we prepared to enter the show, he was out front helping his staff get his ticket machine in order. He was already into character as he joked with those of us waiting to get in. From our interaction outside the theater, I knew it would be a good show. The man knows his stuff about Red Skelton.
By the way, if you happen to be a little younger, you may not know the great comedian, Red Skelton. Check out this site for a biography and other information on this multi-talented comedian.
Hoffman did a tremendous job with his show and we giggled and laughed through his Mean Widdle Kid, Clem Kadiddlehopper, Gertrude and Heathcliff, and of course, Freddie the Freeloader. But the most touching moment in his monologue was when he recited Skelton's pledge of allegiance which Hoffman speculates ended Skelton's affiliation with CBS.
The Red Skelton Comedy Show is a great out-of-the-casino time and was probably a lot more entertainment than a slot machine for the price.
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