"" Writer's Wanderings: Books For The Road - Winter Of The World by Ken Follett

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Books For The Road - Winter Of The World by Ken Follett

A couple of years ago we downloaded an audio book for our drive south to Florida. It was the Fall Of Giants by Ken Follett. We thoroughly enjoyed the book and when we didn't finish it with the round trip drive, we found places to go at home where we could listen to it in the car. On our latest trip, we decided to listen to the second in Follett's Century Trilogy, Winter Of The World. The audio book is thirty hours long but it beats wading through a thousand written pages and the reader, John Lee is excellent.

The story picks up where the first book left off and even though it had been a while since we'd listened to the first, we fell right in with the characters again. This book covers the historical period beginning with the rise of Hitler to power, the Spanish Civil War, moves through World War II to the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima and the testing of the atom bomb by the Russians.

Follett takes you through the character development as they have to make life choices dealing with politics and survival. I like the way he moves between the settings in Europe and America and the points of view from the different locations.

It is a moving and thought provoking book and we are looking forward to the third in the trilogy, Edge of Eternity, when we make our next road trip.

If you are looking for an audio book to listen to on a long trip it is easily downloaded to your phone through the Overdrive app. You can connect with the public library and check out the title you want. We plugged the phone into the USB port in the car so it charged as well as played the book. Easily paused and picked up again when you make a stop. Truly books for the road. . .trip.

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