"" Writer's Wanderings: Costa RIca -- A Beautiful Beach Afternoon

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Costa RIca -- A Beautiful Beach Afternoon

One afternoon, after a good morning of Pickleball, our hosts for our Pickleball Costa Rica tour, Celeste and Tony, took those who were interested in an adventure to the Playa Esterillos Este. We accessed the beach through the kindness of the Pelicano Hotel, a small boutique hotel and restaurant on the beach.

The restaurant was prepared for our visit with a large cloth covered table with flowers in vases and menus that included all sorts of snacks and drinks and even meals if we were hungry.

The beach is one of the longest in Costa Rica and is a favorite for surfers. A couple showed up later in the afternoon probably when they got off work. June is a slow season for tourism so the beach was definitely not crowded at all.

Several of our group wanted to go horseback riding and our hosts arranged for them to be picked up shortly after our arrival. They went off for quite an adventure and eventually ended their ride in front of the hotel on the beach.

Bob and I relaxed and went for a long walk on the beach and enjoyed the marine life as well as the scenery.

We ran across a blue crab who immediately dug himself back into a hole when we released him.

And Bob found a sand dollar which was a dark color, I guess because the sand was a darker color. It was the first one we'd ever found that was still alive. We watched its little hairs bristle on its back for a little bit and then saw it opening the slits in the top to breath. We quickly put it back in the water.

The sunset which was not quite as spectacular as the pictures Tony had shown us (you can't always control the conditions) was still quite beautiful and serene. It was a lovely afternoon and we were delighted to have had the opportunity to see it all.

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