"" Writer's Wanderings: Speed Bumps: Traffic Calming Devices

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Speed Bumps: Traffic Calming Devices

In the little cubby hole where my laptop resides there are lots of scraps of paper and post-it notes surrounding it. Some have been up a long time. I really need to do some cleaning out. One little post-it just to my right says, "Speed bumps: Traffic Calming Devices." I have no clue where I found that or when but I jotted it down. It makes sense to me.

Not only does the phrase make sense literally, but applied to life, it becomes a bit profound. Think about it. We race through life, gaining speed when we have smooth sailing, and never stop to notice what we're passing by. Then life happens and we hit one of its "speed bumps." It reminds us that we need to slow down, take our time, look around to see why God placed it there.

Speed bumps: Life calming devices.

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